NVIDIA shield tv pro
      NVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv pro

NVIDIA shield tv pro

$ 145.00
Item id: 1432
Availability: in stock

NVIDIA shield tv pro

I purchased this about a year ago, and it is the one that does not include the controller, so I purchased a controller separately, which I''m including
My friend and I hooked it up and played scrap yard for about 1 hour at his apartment, so he could show me how it worked. I then brought it home and never hooked it up. It''s been setting in the box ever since..

( Like I said, the controller was not included so. I purchase it separately if you would like to buy this unit without the controller, it will be $25 less.. Message me if you''re interested in that.) NVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv proNVIDIA shield tv pro
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